Need Help Deciding Which Stage You Are At? TheseAre The 4 Options:
You want to start a cleaning business or have just started but aren’t making enough money to support yourself and your family yet. You need to learn how to bring in more clients and keep growing until you’re at full capacity and able to support yourself and your family financially.
Result: Be a fully booked cleaning operator that’s able to financially support themselves and their family from their cleaning business
You’re now a full time cleaner, working hard to keep clients and you understand the fundamentals of the cleaning industry, but you’re desperate to get off of the tools and be able to focus on working ON the business and keep it growing
Result: Fully come off of the cleaning while still making enough money to support yourself and your family (apart from emergencies, sickness cover or holiday cover)
You’re off of the tools but you’re doing all of the admin yourself – you want to have a team around you to handle the small stuff so you can focus on strategy and growing the business more on a long term basis.
Result: Build an office team around you that you can lead so that you don’t have to do all of the small admin tasks and everything yourself – instead you lead the team, the company continues to grow and your personal income grows too
Step Back:
You have an office team around you that you’re leading but you’re still essential to the day to day operations of the cleaning company – without you being there, things stop happening, clients become unhappy and even though you’ve got support the business can’t survive without you
Result: You replace yourself in the cleaning company and ensure that the company runs smoothly in your absence, no longer needs you to run and reduce your time spent in the business down to absolute minimum while making high profit every month
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