Want to scale your cleaning company but don't know what to do next?

Build A High Profit,
Low Stress Cleaning Company
That Can Run Without You

Most cleaning company owners start their cleaning company to have more time for the things that really matter – their family, their kids & to also have more money in the bank.

But is that the reality or are you working crazy hours, feeling directionless & wondering if it’s all worth it?

The vast majority of cleaning company owners feel like they’re totally winging it. They know they have a great service with happy clients but the actual running of the business? Not so confident.

If your aspiration is to have a cleaning company that gives you and your family a great income, gives you lots of free time and isn’t dependent on you then you’re in the right place.

We want you to have a better quality of life directly as a result of running your cleaning company and that’s what we will teach you how to do.

Simply put, we’ll help you to build a high profit, low stress cleaning company that can run without you.

– Jamie

Years of Industry Experience
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Happy Clients
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4x growth and no more 16 hour cleaning days

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Doubled commercial growth year on year

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Moved into commercial and 10x growth

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How does it work?

From starting out as a cleaner to being the MD of Gleem in Bristol, UK, to being an international mentor for cleaning company owners; I’ve seen it all.

Most importantly, from working with so many cleaning companies of all different sizes from all over the world I’ve noticed some very clear patterns about what the most successful cleaning companies did to achieve their success.

I’ve taken those observations and I’ve created a roadmap for cleaning company owners to follow – something that shows them what to do and when to do it to take the guess work out of growth. 

I call it The 4 Stages of Growth. 

I’ve broken everything down into small simple steps designed to be easy to implement but hugely impactful all across your cleaning company from marketing to recruitment, from operations to finances – we’ll show you how to do it all for the exact stage of growth that you’re in right now.

We’ve grouped Start & Staff together into a single programme and Scale & Step Back together into another. Check out the description of the 4 stages below and then click through to learn more about each programme.

The 4 Stages of Growth for Cleaning Companies


You’ve just started (or are just starting) your cleaning company. You need to get fully booked but you aren’t sure how to market, price yourself or pitch your services.

You want to be able to live full time off of your cleaning company (often as the cleaner) and build your reputation.

You also know that you’re far more confident with the actual cleaning itself rather than running the business.

You want to stop winging it and make sure you’re doing it right from the start.

(Between £0-£50,000 revenue per year)



You’re fully booked and delivering an amazing cleaning service but you’re exhausted from doing all of the cleaning yourself. 

You dream of a world where you can have a team of cleaners who do the cleaning for you rather than you doing it all yourself.

That way you can simply manage everything because you know that you can’t grow your cleaning company with your head down a toilet.

(Between £50,000-£100,000 revenue per year)


You aren’t doing any of the cleaning yourself and instead your time is taken up with managing your cleaners and your customers.

You’re doing everything else – emails, phone calls, admin, checking quality and so much more.

It’s a lot and you’re simply spinning too many plates yourself which you know is limiting your growth.

You’d love to be able to bring in a supervisor, maybe an admin assistant and eventually a manager.

(Between £100,000-£250,000 revenue per year)


You’ve built a team around you that are handling a lot of the day to day operations for you but the business is still dependant on you.

People come up to you often asking questions, clients and cleaners still want to speak with you instead of your team and a lot of the knowledge about the business is stuck in your head.

Now it’s time to fully systemise so we can pass it all across to your team while ensuring things are still running properly.

(Between £250,000-£1,000,000+ revenue per year)

Not sure which stage of growth you're in? Take the free test

All areas of your cleaning business are connected – it’s only as strong as its weakest link.
Nothing that happens in your cleaning business has to be done by you, the owner
In order to have a lifestyle cleaning business we need to embrace technology, software & systems
Simplicity, consistency & laser focus will get you your ideal cleaning business
Automation is the secret sauce to having an easy to run, high profit cleaning business

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Why Clean Up Academy?

I’ve been exactly where you are now – feeling frustrated that you’re not growing as quickly as you should, concerned you’re making costly mistakes because you’ve never done this before and exhausted from working so many hours wishing you could regain the balance so you can have a better life for your family.

It wasn’t until I started thinking about Gleem differently that things really changed – I was simply focused on maximising my own output, saying yes to everything and creating a rod for my own back in the process. I quickly learned that that was an unsustainable way to grow (if I would even grow at all). 

I thought that by shouldering the responsibility, by working harder and doing more I would speed up the growth. Ironically, all I did was slow it down because I became the bottleneck. By the time I had finally put the pieces together I had wasted a lot of time and money. 

Since 2019 I’ve worked with well over 500+ cleaning company owners from all over the world of all sizes; from just starting their journey to up to £5 million turnover per year.

What I’ve seen is the same patterns repeating themselves time and time again. People utilising outdated strategies, doing the right thing at the wrong time (costing them time and money) and bottlenecking their own growth without even realising it.

That’s really how this programme came out and how Clean Up System was born. It’s a set of clear principles that when followed teaches you exactly what to focus on at each of the 4 stages of growth.

It takes the guess work away, gives you confidence and arms you with the knowledge to succeed. 

Find Out What Stage Of Growth Your Cleaning Business Is At.